A debate on incineration

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Média — Ingrid @ 16:13 20/03/2009

In a community hall in Saint-Ouen, against a background mural depicting an industrial town decoratively  cloaked in yellow plumes of smoke, people from Saint-Ouen debated the problems of waste and the alternatives to incineration.

Waste incinerator… What alternatives?
Waste & Environment Watch

On Monday 26 January, a working group was created on the theme: Waste / Incinerator, by eco-citizens, Convergence Citoyenne Association and the Greens of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine.

It aims to reflect and act on:
- Reduction of waste associated with our lifestyle, consumption and production
- Assessment and reduction of adverse impacts on health by the incinerator which will be in operation until 2020 in our municipality.

With these issues, we wish to raise awareness for eco gestures and in collaboration to meet with industry, associations, businesses and municipalities, to propose and facilitate the implementation of concrete measures.

The first meeting - not to be missed - is during the week of National Sustainable Development 2009 (http://www.semainedudeveloppementdurable.gouv.fr/)

Thursday April 2 from 20.30, Labor exchange,
30 Rue Ambroise Croizat


- Hervé Pernin, Waste engineer, Ademe - Ile de France
Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie

- Helen Bourges, Cniid
Centre national d’information indépendante sur les déchets

- Alain Rouault, Vice President of Syctom, Chairman of Sitom 93
Syndicat intercommunal de traitement des ordures ménagères 93

After the debate, we propose to continue the discussion around a friendly drink.
This working group is open to everyone, so do not hesitate to contact us: Isabelle de Kochko: Mail: convergence.citoyenne AT club-internet.fr or Franck Rolland

Débat sur incinération from HeHe on Vimeo

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