Green light from the waste authority 2010

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Négociations — Ingrid @ 14:53 14/04/2010

Response from the Police (2009)

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Négociations — Ingrid @ 12:40 28/05/2009

  • 28 May 2009 – the day Nuage Vert was scheduled to open – we received this fax from the Police of Seine Saint-Denis. On technical grounds the project is validated.

However, I call your attention to the worry, or even panic, that this laser beam could provoke amongst the local population or road users, in the absence of any clear information about the purpose of the project.”
This letter also refers to “the risk of this event being wrongly interpreted and contribute to propagating, in the collective mind, a strongly negative image of the incinerator and the terms by which it is operated.”
Which is why, considering these elements, and the non-negligible risks of disturbance likely to be created by your initiative, and after in depth study, I can at this point only issue an unfavourable verdict about a new initiative of this type in the sky of Saint-Ouen.”

Heart of the debate?

Filed under: Média, Négociations — hehe.org2 @ 16:00 21/04/2009

Green Cloud in Helsinki, photo by HeHe

We are currently waiting for the answer of Saint-Ouen Council about their agreement with Nuage Vert project.  The Decision Committee met Tuesday, 11th of May but didn’t take any.

18th May 2010 - EDIT : Bad news for us today, Decision Committee still not supporting the project.

Response from the waste authority 2009

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Négociations — Ingrid @ 12:13 25/03/2009

“…a laser projection onto the vapour cloud of the incineration plant would risk to elicit misunderstandings, or even worry from members of the public, if they are not fully informed beforehand as to the meaning of this event…”

“These reasons have already led to the city of Saint-Ouen, who is one of our main partners, to inform you of their disagreement with the realisation of this project, and leads us to do the same today.”

A letter from the Council

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Négociations — Ingrid @ 12:08 26/01/2009

After 4 months of no reply, on the 7 Feb 2009 we received this letter from the Mairie :

“…I wish to inform you that the ville de Saint-Ouen will not take an active part in this original project, despite the relevance of its approach.”
the participatory process initiated by the Marie to create dialogue with local citizens has brought to light serious worries and questioning about the environmental and health effects of the incinerator. Therefore, you understand that it is difficult for us to work dispassionately on this project, and all the more so since the allotted time is short.“

Response from the waste authority 2005

Filed under: Actualité du projet Nuage Vert, Négociations — Ingrid @ 12:01 21/11/2005

Our first offical response to the project, from the SYCTOM – the public waste authority for Greater Paris area and owner of the power plant. The project is rejected on the grounds that it doesn’t fit in with their communication strategy.